Dr Naiken Surennaidoo
President of the HFE
He has a long career at the University Hospital of Geneva (HUG), where he completed his post-graduation studies in the Department of Visceral Surgery and Transplantation.
He is holder of a Master of Advanced studies (MAS) in visceral surgery issued by the University of Geneva, the title of Fellow of the European Board of Surgeons (F.E.B.S) from the European Board of Surgery and a Swiss certified FMH-board specialist in general surgery. He is as well a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and hold the FACS recognition. In 2021, he completed an Executive MBA from the University of Geneva.
Dr Naiken is currently the Head of the surgical department and Medical Director of Pôle Santé Vallée de Joux in Swizerland. He remains as Medical Consultant at the HUG, Nyon hospital and Clinique la Prairie in Montreux.He is the Founding President of the Humanitarian for Empowerment Association (HFE).
The President of Ukraine, Mr. Volodymyr Zelensky has signed the decree N595/2022 awarding the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise to Dr Surennaidoo Naiken . This distinction is the highest Order of Ukraine for rewarding foreign citizens. 19 people received this high honor, including the President of the European Commission, Ms. Ursula Von der Leyen, the Italian Prime Minister Mr. Mario Draghi and a number of U.S. officials: Secretary of State Mr. Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Mr. Lloyd Austin, National Security Advisor to President Joe Biden Mr. Jake Sullivan and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mr. Mark A. Milley.

Dr Antonino Sgroi
He began as a scientific work in the gastroenterology laboratory of Professor Antoine Hadengue at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva. From October 2005 to 2009, he followed an MD-PhD program in the Surgical Investigations Unit of Professor Leo Bühler and Professor Philippe Morel. Dr. Sgroi also holds the position of internal medical scientist in the Isolation and Cell Transplantation laboratory of Professor Thierry Berney, which isolates and transplants human pancreatic islets in patients with Type 1 Diabetes.
In May 2014, Doctor Sgroi was appointed Internal Physician in the Department of Surgery of the Hospital of Nyon at GHOL; then Head of Clinic from 2015.
Since November 2020, Dr Antonino Sgroi has held the positions of Hospital Physician in the Department of Surgery of the Nyon Hospital at GHOL and Associate Physician of the Proctology Unit at the University Hospital of Geneva (HUG)
Dr Sgroi is a co-founder of the HFE and occupied the post of Head of the Ethics section. He was then the general secretary of the HFE and during the last election of the general assembly, he was elected as the vice-president of the HFE.

Dr Amine Mansouri
General secretary
He later moved to Switzerland where he now holds a Swiss board certification FMH of surgery. He is currently undergoing a another specialisation in thoracic surgery.
His fields of Interests are lung transplantation, lung and thoracic cancer surgery, humanitarian work and international collaboration in the medical field. He is a proud father of two kids and has the wonderful support of his wife Asma.
He is a co-founder of the HFE. He held the post of vice-president till november 2022 and is currently the vice-president.

Bogaru Maria Magdalena

Kateryna Naiken
Welfare social worker

Claire Bossy
Administrative secretary

Valeria Garavaglia Pedroni
Communication manager

Raphaël Bosson
Financial Manager
Then he chose to follow his owns steps in studying Chinese language, culture and religion history before joining the Swiss Banking Industry. Among all his achievements he has obtained one of the highest ranked and recognised Swiss financial diploma.
The financial world was not enough and he also wanted to share his experience for a good cause.
In January 2022, when his father and founding member of HFE passed away, Raphael decided to join HFE in order to perpetuate his father legacy and share is financial knowledge with the foundation.

Sandrine Cikes
Responsible of public relationship
She was awarded the HFE award of the year for her exceptional contribution and in her speech she expressed the following “I now feel in the right place, and feel gratitude for I like spreading this motivation and energy around me, and passing it on to my children…”

Patrizia Bosson-Clementi
Event manager
De retour en Italie, elle travaille pendant un an au bloc ORL avant de partir pour une deuxième mission au Pakistan, où elle est en charge de la chirurgie de guerre pendant 10 mois, supervisant le bloc opératoire. En 1991, elle part au Cambodge pour enseigner, gérer le bloc opératoire et assurer le suivi des patients en ambulatoire.
En 1992, elle s’installe en Suisse et reprend une formation en soins infirmiers de bloc opératoire, devenant référente pour les transplantations pulmonaires et l’orthopédie, tout en encadrant des élèves. En 2017-2018, elle co-fonde la HFE.”