Dr Benedikta Kamden
Head of Public Health Commission
DDM., MSc., MD. b.kamdem@humanitarian-hfe.org
Dr Benedikta Kamdem is from Cameroon. She was born in Germany and raised in Switzerland. She completed her highschool in an International College. She qualified in Dental Medecine (2003) and got a Master’s in Biological and Medical Sciences (2004) at the University of Lyon (France). After working as a Dental Surgeon during ten years, in her practice, she returned to university where she received a Bachelor‘s and a Master’s in Medecine, followed by a Swiss Medical degree in 2017(University of Lausanne, Switzerland). She obtained a Diploma of Head and Neck Plastic Surgery in 2019 (Lyon) and is currently a qualifying at the University Hospital of Lausanne in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
She participate at the foundation of the Humanitarian for Empowerment Association (HFE), is member of Foundation Meredith broad, and vice-president of the association Medcamswiss (Cameroonian doctors practicing in Switzerland).
She participate at the foundation of the Humanitarian for Empowerment Association (HFE), is member of Foundation Meredith broad, and vice-president of the association Medcamswiss (Cameroonian doctors practicing in Switzerland).

Dr John MacManus
Head of the Surgical Commission
MB BCh BAO BSc(Hons) MSc.
Dr John MCMANUS was born in Northern Ireland and studied medicine at Queen’s University Belfast, with an intercalated bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy, graduating with first class honours. Following his medical studies, he also completed a Master’s degree in Applied Biomechanics at the university of Strathclyde. He completed his specialist orthopaedic and trauma surgery training in Switzerland and is now joint head of department at Nyon hospital, specialising in lower limb arthroplasty, arthroscopy, and trauma surgery.

Fiona Cretin
Marketing Manager
Born in the Vallée de Joux, graduated with an MBA in marketing, brand management and innovation and now in position of marketing manager, Fiona joins the HFE to support the foundation in its development and to convey its values, its commitments and its projects.

Dr Daniel Ndele
Pediatric Commission co-leaders
Early during my training as an orthopedic surgeon, I’ve turned towards the pediatric subspecialty to eventually focus strictly on pediatric and Orthopedic Traumatology. Indeed, after a 12-month fellowship in this very same specialty at l’Hôpital des enfants in Toulouse , I’ve shifted my practice towards the different affection of the immature skeleton. Since 2019, where I’ve started my private practice in parallel to a hospital activity as a senior consultant, I have essentially focused my work on pediatric orthopedic and Traumatology. As a matter of fact I continue working in adult traumatology (on-call surgeon) for a small percentage. As for the pediatric part, I remain active in the scientific field by doing both clinical research and congress presentations.

Roman Tsybulevskyi
IT co-manager
A front end developer with advanced knowledge of JavaScript and its main frameworks( Vue.js), flexible approach to work and high adaptability to new circumstances. With 3+ dense years of experience behind my back, i participated in a variety of different projects, which helped me to develop a broad range of skills that allow me to handle nuanced tasks of various comlexities. Strategic planning fast problem-solving, and smooth cooperation with teammembers required to solve novel issues are my strongest sides. I’m an emphatic team-player with a firm belief that where a single person fails a group can win.

Saskia Desarzens
Co-respondent University collaboration
Mrs Bossy has very recently retired from the civil service, where she has spent her career supporting the citizens of a Swiss municipality. Between help with integration and monitoring of administrative files, her mission and duty was to accompany and support the most vulnerable population in their official procedures. She has a great experience in the migration administrative process. She has joined the humanitarian for Empowerment since February 2022. He committed has been lauded and she was awarded with the HFE award of the year for her hardwork.

Corina Raluca Von Gunten
Internal Audit
Avec plus de 16 ans d’expérience dans les ressources humaines, j’ai acquis une compréhension profonde des besoins humains et une aptitude éprouvée à soutenir et motiver les individus. Pour moi, HFP n’est pas simplement un engagement professionnel, mais une véritable mission de vie. Je suis animée par la passion de contribuer à un monde meilleur et de faire une différence tangible dans la vie des personnes en difficulté. Chaque jour, je me consacre à l’acquisition de nouvelles connaissances, à l’innovation et à la persévérance. Cet engagement naturel et énergique est dédié à une cause noble et humanitaire, où je mets mon expertise et mon cœur au service de ceux qui en ont le plus besoin.